Popover JS

Popover is a component used by Dropdown and Select to render content anchored to an element in the document.

import {Popover} from 'uniform';
new Popover({
    anchor: document.getElementById('button'),
    content: '<div class="bg-green-20 border border-green text-green-80 pad rounded">Example Content</div>'


Option Type Description Default
anchor Element Element to anchor content to. REQUIRED
content HTML HTML to render into popover. REQUIRED
align String [left|right|center|#px] [top|center|bottom|#px] 'center bottom' OPTIONAL
zIndex Int Adjust the default zIndex OPTIONAL
offset String Number of pixels to alter location after alignment. {left: #px, top: #px} {left: 0, top: 0} OPTIONAL
container Element Element to append popover to document OPTIONAL
transition String Class to generate transition effect. Reference pre-built transitions false OPTIONAL


align: 'left top'
align: 'left center'
align: 'left bottom'
align: 'center top'
align: 'center center'
align: 'center bottom'
align: 'right top'
align: 'right center'
align: 'right bottom'


transition: 'transition-fade-up'
transition: 'transition-fade-down'
transition: 'transition-fade-left'
transition: 'transition-fade-right'


Add class -pointer and/or -pointer-[top|bottom|right|left] to show a pointer that uses background and border of Popover

class: 'uniformPointer -top'
class: 'uniformPointer -bottom'
class: 'uniformPointer -right'
class: 'uniformPointer -left'